Current as of 1/07/2024

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History of Region Badge


The history of the Geelong Region and the Republic of Nauru, are closely entwined on a number of levels.

This link goes back to the early years of the 19th century. At the time the main contact with the island of Nauru was by ships carrying raw phosphate to the Phosphate Plant (Pivots) at North Shore (northern suburb of Geelong).

Harold "Boss" Hurst, one of the founders of Scouting in Geelong visited Nauru and made arrangements for the young men to be educated in Geelong, Most of the time these men were in Geelong, they lived with "Boss" in Newtown, and participated in Scouting activities. On return to Nauru, Scouting continue on with  the aid of visiting Scouts and Leaders from Geelong.

Geelong Region